Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Life go on ...

Goodbye is the word I always hated and you know it.

Be this from me to you or from you to Sunil or from Sunil to you, I don't know but good bye brings unanticipated, sudden burst of tears for what we lose – our love forever!
I know you loved him from the deapth of your heart. You liked his something which you could not find in me. This is not pity or sympathy to me, but a reality which I need to face it now throughout my life.

I am not sure what feelings you still have for him now, but at least I can understand it is not easy for you to forget the one whom you loved so deeply, for whom you felt the pain and became impatient to hear his voice again and again. You couldn’t sleep throughout nights, went far away in melancholy. That was your love.

As now I too undergo the same pain myself, I believe that let you go on and cry till you run complete dry, it's alright babe, go on and scream at your broken dreams.

Let sorrow have its day and when it's done, Life will go on…

..and I will find my way, sometime, somewhere…

Friday, June 17, 2011

उदासी (Melancholy)

मेरी हंसी को आँसुओं में बदलने वालो,
तकदीर का तमाशा है सिमट जाएगा।

बस बार बार गैरत को न ललकारो मेरे हमसफ़र,
मुक्तसर सा किस्सा है ख़तम हो जाएगा।

न तकदीर बदलती है, न ख़तम होते है रंजो-गम,
दम भर का है दम, निकल जाएगा।